爬 meaning and pronunciation

Simplified/traditional character

爬 English definition

  • to crawl
  • to climb
  • to get up or sit up

HSK levels

Characters with the same pronunciation

  • : to squat; crouch;

Sentences examples with 爬

  • 我们决定明天去爬山。
    Wǒmen juédìng míngtiān qù páshān.
  • 不管天怎么样,我都要爬山。
    Bùguǎn tiān zěnme yàng, wǒ dū yào páshān.
  • 昨天去爬山了,今天腿很酸。
    Zuótiān qù páshānle, jīntiān tuǐ hěn suān.

Words containing 爬, by HSK level